Thursday, March 8, 2012

Musical Pictures!

So here are the other pictures from "Once Upon a Mattress" i promised!

Waiting for the show to start

Me and Madison

Morgan V, Kendra and I

Kayla B

Kendra, Morgan V and I
Being crazy!

Jacob and Sarah B
(they are siblings)

The Show
Me: the puppeteer
Melinda: the puppet princess

The Queen, Prince Dauntless and The King
Kayla V, Tanner L and Eli

Princess Winnifred 

The Ladies

"The Swamps of Home"
Tabitha as Princess Winnifred

"Song of Love"
"with a F-R-E-D FREEEDDD"

"Soft Shoes"
Jacob as The Jester

Kendra, Sarah M, me and Morgan V
Lady in Waiting, Lady Larkin, Nightingale of Samarkand, Lady in Waiting

Me and Morgan V

Sarah B, me and Kayla B

Me and Morgan V

ok funny story.
 So Morgan had this head piece and she thought it looked like a nurse hat.
And i was the Nightingale. So she said if you put us together we where Florence Nightingale! 
Ya know the famous nurse? :)

Well i still have more pictures. But i decided to not over load you with to many pics. So i'll post more in a few days.


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